Tuesday, July 26, 2005

So I'm a Blogger Now ...

I suppose it took me long enough to start blogging - officially that is. I already have an electronic journal but that one is for my eyes only. So why did I start this one? Not sure but I suppose it will be a way to share some of my thoughts and insights with my friends, family, and the rest of the world - "some" being the operative word.

Whoever decides to check this out, I suppose will have to go to "totallydacy.blogspot.com" I guess. They may wonder why I chose that name for my url. Well, it's a little known fact that when I was a little girl my father used to call me TracyDacy. Nobody else in the whole wide world has ever called me that and to be honest, it's been ages since my father has. But I like it. It's kind of quirkly and fun, but mostly it's special because my dad called me that. And that is the story behind the name of my url.

The story behind the name of my blog, Life etc., is just that I plan to use the blog to commentate on life and other stuff - you know, the etc.

And there you have it. The beginning of my blog.


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