Saturday, July 30, 2005

Watching Oreo

I'm sitting here watching Oreo scratch and sniff around the cardboard box he stays in while he gets his cage cleaned. It's been a month of Sundays since that last happened. When Jared asked if he could get a hamster he swore he would take good care of it - he would keep it well fed and keep its cage clean and tidy. HA! What a joke. I can't believe he has had the nerve and gall to ask for a puppy. That's an eleven-year-old boy for ya.

Now the little rodent is sitting in his food bowl. How smart is that? I'll take his picture and then take a crack at loading it into this entry. If it doesn't work- sorry. I am so new to this blogging stuff.

Okay, that wasn't so hard. It worked.

I haven't blogged in a few days and the fact that I am sitting here discussing the antics of a hamster in box should tell you that not much is, or has been going on. No news is good news, or so the old saying goes ...


1 comment:

Jill Felker said...

How cute is Oreo? Turned into yours, did he? LOL!