Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Shout Outs

I gotta show some love to Shannon, Heather and Carrie. Apparently you ladies still check to see what's up in my boring "A" blog. Gotta tell you all, it made me feel kinda good that you left me some comments after my two-month hiatus. I mean it when I say, "You're the best!"

'K, so here's a little bit of what I have been up too. Lunch pails! Yeah I know I'm all late and stuff but I was experiencing much anxiety. You know the kind, "What if I totally screw this up and it looks like crap." Obviously I got over it and here are the results …

Need to go and check out KI's Uptown per Shannon's suggestion for the one I'm planning for Dave. Hey I'd better get right on that - I could get it done just in time for Father's Day!

Now that I'm over the anxiety of ruining the lunchpails/wasting my money, I'm beginning to stress over hosting another huge meeting at work with another top exec. Does it ever end?



shannon said...

cute lunch pails!!!
here's a link. i just thought of it since it had some cars....

Anonymous said...

Lunch pails look great. I got one for my birthday in November, and still haven't done anything with it. Any ideas???


TracyDacy said...

Hey Carrie, I got my first lunchpail during Boodlepaloozafest. I didn't get around to altering it until a month or so when the owner of my LSS quoted Nike and said, "Just do it!" So glad I took her advice so I'll pass it on to you - Just do it!!! Good luck!

Unknown said...

Those pails are flippin' awesome!!