Monday, July 03, 2006

hb td

Happy Birthday, Tracy Dacy!!!

Yep, today was my 42nd birthday. It started out kinda slow. You know me, feeling kinda melancholy. Introspective. I try not to make a big deal about my birthday because I know that once you're not a kid anymore I guess it's considered immature to expect very much. And it's not that I do, but I just want to be treated a little extra special because ... well because it's my day. I mean when I think back to the births of my children and the moment they took their first breath, the world became a different place. Incrementally different - unnoticeably different to most of the world. Phenominally different to me. And to each of my children.

Same with me. 42 years ago my parents lives were changed. And so was mine as I began to live it on the outside. Today was the anniversary of that date and a celebration of it. Today was significant and there are literally fireworks outside to prove it! (That's my story and I'm sticking to it ;-)

I got a new ipod for my birthday. Guess what I'll be doing over the next few days ... uploading cds. I also see another LO about me getting my groove all the way on in my future.

Less than three weeks to CHA! Oh yeah, I'm counting!



shannon said...

happy belated bday! enjoy the ipod. i love my nano!

Kache said...

Hope you had a great birthday!

Anonymous said...

Hope your day was great!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! You are gonna love your iPod!!!

Heather said...

Happy Belated!!! Hope you had a great birthday!!!!

Brandy said...

Blog about CHA! I just added you to my list of blogs to lurn on, so let's hear it! Happy bday, belatedly